Friday, May 30, 2008

the weekend is here!

Ok maybe not for another hour or so but close enough! My friend B. and I are going out tonight for dinner and drinks and then to an Blizzard football game. Should be a good time.

I'm so ready for a weekend where I don't have to do anything. There are no obligations to me, I don't have to be at any party/wedding/shower. This summer is just crazy with bachelorette parties, bridal showers, weddings and miscellaneous other events thrown in there. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and family, but my budget does not like me! $30 here, $50 all adds up. I honestly am glad I'm not in any of these weddings because that's even more money to be spent.
If I just lived in the country in the boonie's and had no obligations, then my life would be easier now wouldn't it?!

The apt. search is going strong. I only have one more to look at and then it's decision time. I need to get a place situated so I can start getting furniture and everything else for my place. Currently I have dishes and cups, a lamp, a nightstand, a futon, a bed and a desk. Super huh? Oh and my friend V. is giving me a kitchen table and chairs. So we're a long way from furnishing an apt.!!

Since I'm writing this and I've been using abbreviations all day in my writing, I thought I'd share some with you that my roommates and I always used.

O.N. = Old Navy sandals
Klot. = the fitness center
Q-dub = Qdoba Mexican Grill
T.S. = Taylor Swift
L.B. = Library
Apt. = Apartment (this is pretty generic)
3020 = our house
MLK = milwaukee

Ok those are the only ones I can think of so far. I know we have more though...they've slipped my mind currently. But we could seriously have long conversations using abbreviations or shortened versions of words. I miss my roomies........


I was just on Yahoo and looking at the pictures of the tribe they found in the Amazon or where-ever it was that has never been contacted by civilization. What a crazy thought! I mean I understand that they know nothing different but how does someone just grow up in total isolation and never venture out of their surroundings. How far are these people from a town? It's so weird to think that theirs a group of people out there who only know how to hunt and survive in the wilderness and do you even think they think like we do? Do they think there are other people in the world other then them? Do they know they live in a world where other people can exist?!?! It's amazing how we've been on earth for so long yet we discover new things almost every day. If you have a chance, check it out on CNN too. They say about 100 un-contacted tribes are out there worldwide and about half life in the Peru/Brazil areas.
The pictures show them shooting bows and arrows at the plane taking pictures. I wonder what's going through their heads when this big white thing flies over their homes and they have no clue what it is. I'd probably try to find a bow and arrow to shoot at it too.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm pretty much a walking contradiction.....

Yup thats right. I contradict myself quite often in this wonderful world I live in.

I don't like tail-gaters, yet I have a tendency to follow too closely myself. I hate when people talk to me in the morning, yet I find myself sometimes trying to make conversation with others. I get annoyed with people after a certain amount of time yet I don't feel like people get annoyed with me. (I hate this about me too! I have no clue why this is but after like a 4 month period, I'm sick of people and I need a break from them! Why? I have no clue!) I say I love sports but I don't really like to play them. I talk about people who drink a lot and get trashed, yet I've been known to go on my own binders from time to time. I say I'm not competitive but once I start playing I'm out for blood. I love the outdoors in the summer but hate being outside because when it's hot it ruins my make-up (another big issue I need to get over. Or society could change.....) I'm a hard worker, yet I slack off quite a bit at work. I get upset when people don't' update their blogs, yet I hardly ever update mine. I get mad at indecisive people yet I can rarely make a decision to save my life!

See, like I said, a walking contradiction! There's a resolution for me...stop it!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

nope, I'm not gonna do it.......

Today is one of those days where I said I'd do something.....and now I don't want to. Nothing big or anything. It's not like I said I'd give a kidney and now I'm not....I wouldn't do something like that!! I said I'd go to the grad party that is going on for our intern Aaron but honestly, I don't feel like I want to go anymore. I really didn't work with all really. I just hate having to come up with excuses all the time. Not that it's really a bad thing I think. I always try to think....If he didn't come to something I was having, would I be made upset. The answer to that is a big N-O. So I have to think of some excuse quick.......

UPDATE: I went. Yeah I know, add onto the contradiction that is my life. Some people were going and my attitude got better as the day went on so I went. It was a nice time and I like getting to spend time with people outside of work. Not that they are completely different like some places, but you just get to relax and throw down some beer. Wish I could do that at work!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

do you think.......

Do you think all the beer we drink on Monday nights cancels out the exercise we get from playing softball? I do. It's unfortunate but the two just go hand in hand. We're in WI for gosh sakes! When you're bored with friends, you head to the bar. You get a twelve back and start a fire (in a pit people, I do not promote pyromaniacs!) I could probably say no, but who likes quitter!?!

I fake baked yesterday....and I don't regret it one bit. All 8 minutes were delightful!

I have yet to start my apt. hunt again. I'm rather dreading it and don't have the urge to do anything. Yeah, it's my college procrastination coming out again. Good thing I don't have like a 12 page paper due or something.

Did you know O.K. stands for "our kind"?? Me neither. I learned it in safety class today. Just thought you might like to know.

Monday, May 19, 2008

another day, another dollar

I'm not sure why, but that saying always seems to sum up Monday's. No one wants to be to work on Monday. It's like your brain doesn't function completely and you say dumb things and make mistakes...and that just makes your day go even better! So my Monday is going, slowly but going.

Tonight we have softball at 7:15 again. We won last week which was super great and I hope we can win again this week. However, people are skipping out tonight, which is kind of upsetting. I think we have like 12 games total, counting a practice game before the season officially started. Anyways, our games last an hour, that's it. So they could come, play the hour and leave immediately after that. It's frustrating because we need so many girls on the team as well as guys (due to rules) and the girls are the ones missing! If it's because you have work, we don't start until 7:15...what is going to take you from 8:30 in the morning to 7:00 at night!?!?! I will kind of be glad when it's done for this reason.

I'm getting sick of this dumb apartment search I've been on for two months now. Something needs to come soon or I'll go crazy!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

disappointment reigns again

I'm sick of people saying, "it happened for a reason." Maybe it didn't. Maybe it was just someone's way so saying hey, screw you!! I feel like only so many times can it go wrong for it to be 'meant to be' and then after that, it's just shitty. I lost my apartment. Well I never really had it...or I thought I had it but I never really had it. I signed an application which I thought was a lease on a place (like my 10th one I looked at) and was all excited I got the call saying i got the place and then whoops, no you didn't. Sorry it was already rented. Well the girl who 'supposedly' is renting it has yet to sign the lease....and she looked at the place on April 21st! I was like, "ok so i have to wait for this girl to sign a lease or not, when I'm sitting here, willing to sign a lease today?" Yup, sorry, first come first serve! How long does she get to sit on it!?! I was told I had 30 days to decide if I wanted it or not. It's going on day 24 for this chick...30 days and I'm calling there to give them a piece of my mind. I don't even want to give them money after this whole scenario, but I liked the place and I can't think of trying to find another place again!!! I'm sick of looking, I just want to find a place and be done with it!! When will "everything happens for a reason" just be done and let me live my life!?!?!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

It was a nice weekend for Mother's Day, other then being a little cold on Sunday. My brother and I pitched in and got my mom and dad a new digital camera for the event. We combined Mother's Day and Father's Day because, lets be honest, I'm not made out of money to spend that much on each of them for their 'special day.' I picked it out at Best Buy and I hope I picked a good one. And the woman at the photo department said it would be easy to use so that's a bonus! Now let's hope they start taking some pictures!

My allergies have been acting up lately. I know, you probably don't care about my sneezing and coughing and itchy eyes but I feel like sharing. I need someone to feel sympathy for me. They got really bad on Sat. night and it may have been because I let the dog sleep on my bed with me and she was outside all day....probably rolling in pollen and just getting coated in the stuff to come share with me. I was pretty useless on Sunday and slept most of the day. And I still didn't want to get up today to get the kids off to school/grandma's. But I did and got to work at 8:20....those kids are getting faster and faster!! Now if I could only get H.M. clothes on and off without taking off her ears........

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

the future looks grim

I'm not sure what it is, but I can't find a guy. Or I find one, only to discover he's way older or younger. Which I realize shouldn't matter but you can't tell me that it doesn't have a little weight in your decisions. Like at work, there is a guy who's 36. When you see that from the eyes of me, who's 23, it's hard to think of a relationship with someone who is like 13 years older then you. He's great and real nice and fun but 13 years is kind of a long time. Why can't I find someone my age range? Am I in the wrong town, wrong state? I heard in Alaska that the ratio is 2:1 guys for girls. Maybe I should invest in some boots and a parka and head north to Juneau. It bothers me that I can't just find someone my age...or close even. No I fall for the 35-40 year age range. Maybe someday, but for now, the future looks grim.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


"Easter Madness"

Everything is going well with my Grandma. The brain tumor is something that is not cancerous so they chose not to mess with it. And the spots from her MRI on her shoulder and spine are arthritis and not bone cancer! Thank you Lord for answering prayers!! Now she can enjoy her grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

mistakes/new found love

I signed up for a class that was video tapes to learn Medical Terminology last fall through a community college that has branches close by. When I signed up for the class initially, it was with the intention that would some day use the class for a job in a hospital as a unit coordinator. I always thought it would be interesting to work in a hospital and help people. My mom is a nurse and I know I couldn't do that but being a u.c. would be about as close as I could get! Anyways, I never took the course. I payed $250 or $300 I can't remember to get a packet of papers i never filled out and a schedule of videotapes I never watched. What a waste huh!? I'm upset that I haven't done anything with it...well did anything with it, the class is over now. I signed up when I had a job I didn't like and I just wanted any way to get out of there. Now I like my job. I'm upset with myself that I wasted that money!

So with J.A. in recovery, we are taking turns getting the kids to school. Today I got there and everyone was wide awake! And to top it off, both were sick!! Not like puke sick but poor little H.M. just layed in her crib and whimpered and cried. She helped me get her dressed by cooperating but you could just tell she didn't feel good. I felt so bad!! And W.J. was sick too. He was quiet and you could tell he didn't want to go to Grandma's, he just wanted to stay home with mom. But since J.A. can't lift anything, we can't leave the kids home alone with her in case something happened. And she still gets tired pretty easy so she takes naps throughout the day. H.M. sat and snuggled with me this morning for quite some time and J.A. said she must be sick b/c she's not a snuggler that often. And when we took them to Grandma's she didn't want to leave me. It was so cute and I'm so attached to those little punks. Honestly, in a weird way, I'm glad J.A.'s heart problem was detected so 1) she could get better and 2) I'm getting even closer to my god-daughter/cousins then ever before. I'm really more of an aunt then I am a cousin to them.
Here is a picture of us playing the other day when I you can see the cuteness!