Thursday, May 15, 2008

disappointment reigns again

I'm sick of people saying, "it happened for a reason." Maybe it didn't. Maybe it was just someone's way so saying hey, screw you!! I feel like only so many times can it go wrong for it to be 'meant to be' and then after that, it's just shitty. I lost my apartment. Well I never really had it...or I thought I had it but I never really had it. I signed an application which I thought was a lease on a place (like my 10th one I looked at) and was all excited I got the call saying i got the place and then whoops, no you didn't. Sorry it was already rented. Well the girl who 'supposedly' is renting it has yet to sign the lease....and she looked at the place on April 21st! I was like, "ok so i have to wait for this girl to sign a lease or not, when I'm sitting here, willing to sign a lease today?" Yup, sorry, first come first serve! How long does she get to sit on it!?! I was told I had 30 days to decide if I wanted it or not. It's going on day 24 for this chick...30 days and I'm calling there to give them a piece of my mind. I don't even want to give them money after this whole scenario, but I liked the place and I can't think of trying to find another place again!!! I'm sick of looking, I just want to find a place and be done with it!! When will "everything happens for a reason" just be done and let me live my life!?!?!

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