Wednesday, May 07, 2008

the future looks grim

I'm not sure what it is, but I can't find a guy. Or I find one, only to discover he's way older or younger. Which I realize shouldn't matter but you can't tell me that it doesn't have a little weight in your decisions. Like at work, there is a guy who's 36. When you see that from the eyes of me, who's 23, it's hard to think of a relationship with someone who is like 13 years older then you. He's great and real nice and fun but 13 years is kind of a long time. Why can't I find someone my age range? Am I in the wrong town, wrong state? I heard in Alaska that the ratio is 2:1 guys for girls. Maybe I should invest in some boots and a parka and head north to Juneau. It bothers me that I can't just find someone my age...or close even. No I fall for the 35-40 year age range. Maybe someday, but for now, the future looks grim.

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