Saturday, April 01, 2006

Mixing It Up

Last night we went to a Mary Kay party. I am a virgin to the whole cosmetic party thing so it was kind of exciting to go. However I quickly learned this isn't a "dine and ditch" type event. It took quite some time to get started and get to the good stuff. Now, I am pretty conservative with my make-up. Maybe a little glitter on the eyes for a fun night out but no flashy colors, not hooker eyeliner (really thick, you've seen the girls), and no hoochie lips. Little did I know I would come out of that party looking like I took a crayola and drew on my eyelids. I did however feel better when Kim turned to me and said, "If I were a guy, I'd do you." Boy, does she know how to turn a frown upside-down.

After coming home and washing off our faces (kind of defeats the purpose of going to a make up party doesn't it?) we headed out on the town to throw back a few beverages. I just turned 21 a couple weeks ago so I haven't been to half the bars. And for everyone who has turned 21 already, the few I have been to I don't remember. So the six of us lovely ladies headed out. We had a blast bar hopping; hitting Rascals, Cans and Cush before taking a taxi back home. Nothing too eventful happened, except when I felt what I thought was a purse in my back. Only to turn around and see a guy standing behind me. Let's just say I'm rooting for the purse.

But you know when you get home you don't go straight to bed. We all usually migrate to the kitchen where anything not nailed down lands in our mouths. And those things you thought you'd never eat, or thought were spoiled by now, end up there as well. I think sometimes when you come home you almost get more drunk. And this my friends, is exactly what happened to my roomies. Come 3:00 and I'm getting ready to turn off my light and go to bed I hear, "PSSSSSHH, you awake!?" (Well if I wasn't, I am now.) So I open my door to find dweedle-dee and dweedle-dumb standing there with grins on their faces, ready to party hardy! To please them, I gave them our nightly geography lesson on my wonderful wall maps; and just for your information, the capital of Maine is not Boston! After a banging dance party in the hallway, we headed our seperate directions and off to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope I am considered dweedle-dee cuz I know I am not dweedle-dumb! I at least knew that Boston is not the capital of Maine.

The bars were kind of eventful! Remember having the purse, or WAIT! I hope that is a purse in my back!!

And watching that HOTTIE at CUSH, I mean common, that sure was quite the excitement!