Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Difference in Geographical Areas

On a commercial break from New Adventures of Old Christine, I turned to American Idol because well, I hate commercials. However, after the brief time I watched AI, I now like commercials better. This guy came on and you could tell he was one of those that thought he was good but he obviously only sang to his animals on his farm because he wasn't. You could tell he was a down home,country boy and as he was leaving, all rejected, he told the judges thank you and be careful. Now I thought nothing of it. I was like ohh too bad for him. However, Paula Abdul decided to flip out and go "What did you say? .... That's a threat, don't ever say that to anybody every again!" and all the judges were going crazy. Now seriously, do you think that this guy was going to come back to your hotel, even if he found your hotel and shoot you? Please! He tried to explain himself that he was just saying be careful in your travels and they continued to yell at him. I felt bad for the guy.
Ok so the point was that you can just tell the differences in people and where they live. Here in the midwest, if someone said that to me I'd probably say thanks or same to you...something to that affect (effect?) But people who grow up in cities (hmm, like L.A.) where hospitality and politeness are not very prevelant take this poor guys farewell and blow it into a "I'm coming to get you and shoot you in your head while you sleep." They need to relax and spend some more time around people who are from the midwest.

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