Wednesday, March 19, 2008

it just comes natural

Sometimes I get really upset that I'm not naturally beautiful like some people. I have to struggle with weight and self-confidence probably more then the average girl. It sucks when you see these girls who I believe are pretty dang close to perfect and they complain about this and that. I just want to shake them and say "you have no idea how lucky you are"

I realize to them they are not perfect but jeez, how could you look in the mirror and think that? I often think that if I did change, I would be happy....but would I? Or would I be just like that girl who everyone thinks is well on her way to perfect but to her, she's far from it?

This comes on the heals of seeing the most gorgeous guy ever. And I God, he is so attractive and in the back of my mind, I know I'll never stand a chance to get a look from this guy. I'm not the natural beauty he looks for. I'm the girl who "she's kind of pretty" and that's it. No second glance or smile and a hello. I just get so pissed because of this and I don't know how to just stop! It sometimes consumes my thoughts and lately it's been really bad. I need to just be content with who I am or change myself. If only 'changing myself' was easy and not so dang hard.

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