Tuesday, September 05, 2006

And I'm Back In The Game!!!!!

Hello Blogger Peeps!
Well summer is officially O-V-E-R!! How much does that blow?! Mine was absolutely amazing however! It was the summer I became of age. A small little hick town is so much more fun when you can actually do things past ten o'clock at night...as in bars. I'm sure some of you know that
our little country towns only have churches and bars; and I choose to hang out in the bars a little more then the churches. So needless to say I spent a lot of money on something that lasts the night and I will never see again...unless I had too much and I see it in a way I don't want to. That sounds kind of dirty too if you never read the first sentence. It could sound like I hired a prostitute or something. Ok back on track.... So anyways, I really had a good time this summer hanging out with my friends. Every Wednesday was karaokee at the Heights and that was lots of fun. We spent a lot of time in town at the bars; enough where they didn't card us anymore and we became regulars. I must admit though, it was kind of fun to have the bartender know my drink and not even have to ask.

During this time however, I was unemployed so I had to hurry quick to find a job. I ended up snagging one at the local Piggly Wiggly/True Value. How freakin' hick and awesome is that!?!?! It turned out to be one of the best times I have ever had though. I really enjoyed work and I loved the people I worked with. It was people from 16 to 70 that I worked with and it was a blast. The customers are fun too in a grocery store. In those types of store you have the locals who come in like every freakin' day and you really get to know them by first name (not to mention how they pay and what they want; paper or plastic.) It's a whole different world on the other side of that revolving belt and I am glad I got to experience it. I have lots of great friends, tons of stories, and an experience that opened my eyes. I no longer will put things back in random spots because that's just a pain in the ass! (Ok, I'm probably lying to myself on this but I will try hard not to.) I also got to meet the love of my life...ok well he doesn't know it yet but Hot Eric...I'm waiting for ya!

This summer was full of occasional camping trips: talking about cougars and pythons, not taking the wrappers off our grilled cheese sandwiches (sorry Dan!), and just sitting around the fire and talking. We went to a couple fairs and hit up a couple beer tents. (I think it's like a law that once you turn 21 you have to go to the beer tent you longed to go to when you couldn't before!) I also got to experience my first firemans picnic and street dance with the ability to indulge in a beverage or two. I think they were fun before but get some alcohol in me and watch me go! It truly was a summer to remember and that I will

As I enter into my senior year, I conteplate my future and I see it through a whole new set of eyes. Am I ready to enter the real world and start being an adult? I'm not sure my job will allow me to sleep until 9 or later, have such fun times no matter what day of the week it is, or give me so long off during the year. It's rather intimidating to have 'life' knocking on my door. You never think this day will come and then one day BAM! it's here! Maybe I will stay in school and become one of those "lifer's" that I made so much fun of.

So party people, stay cool and stay in school. Good luck to all in whatever you pursue!

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