Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Wondeful Weekends

Whew - I'm a slacker here....sorry.

I'm going to start with last weekend, Memorial Day weekend. It was a wonderful three day weekend and much needed. After Vegas, work was Hell! I just had no patience for anyone and especially no patience for mean people. So when Friday rolled around, I was already packed and headed north for a great weekend!

My brother lives in a duplex w/ KA (male) and SS (female) in south-eastern WI. KA and my brother went on a bike trip w/ some friends to La Crosse so SS and I were both up on Friday night w/ nothing to do. Usually we go out in a big group but since it was just the two of us, we headed out ourselves. And honestly, Friday nights I usually don't go out at all, those are my nights to "bond" w/ the rents b/c I'm usually not home the rest of the weekend. But my parents were not home - punks - so I headed out! We honestly had a great time, just the two of us! The bar we always go to had a new bartender that we loved to make fun of. She was one of those girls who looks like a bartender so she thinks she's a bar tender. She's a really pretty girl just sucks as a bartender and was pretty cocky and rude for someone we had just met. Anyways, it was a great night and two of our other friends saw my car parked there (small town right!) so they came out with us too. We eventually got sick of the bartender so we went into town to our safe bar. Everyone in here is usually about 60 yrs old so it's usually pretty laid back and...well, empty. All in all a great Friday night!

Saturday we had a bridal shower for our friend JN who's getting married this summer. It was a beautiful day to have a party outside and the food was great. She got lots of cards too which was nice b/c less time for presents! Hey, don't act like you've never thought the same thing when you're at a party and the table is piled high w/ presents and you're there for like 2 hrs watching them open cooking appliances, glasses and bath towels. I even got to talk to one of my friends from high school who I haven't seen probably since we graduated high school! (She's JN's cousin) However, it made me feel old and kind of like a failure. She has two kids w/ her husband and they live in a house they bought. I live in a one bedroom apt and have no kids. Well I guess that's probably good b/c I live in a 1 bedroom apt! haha

Anyways Saturday after the party we went to the creek to cool off. We all met at my friends family camp in P-town and headed out. It was so nice to walk in the creek b/c it was so hot out! Even the cool water on your knees down was refreshing. Below is a pic of the creek we went to. Now this photographer edited this so it's looks way fancier then what it's really like. Not that it's not nice, it's just a creek.

Defintely a place you have to wear shoes in though, it's really rocky. So after that we went back to camp and started a bonfire. My brother and KA were back in P-Town w/ their friends then so SS and I went out to meet them. Needless to say our Favorite! bartender was working again, so we didn't stay long. We headed back to camp and sat around the bonfire for awhile. My friend MD was home so she called me up and we headed out on the town. We went back to our safe bar in town and well, it was safe alright. We mainly go out to catch up on each other's lives and it's so nice to see her.

Onto Sunday! First off - I had my cousins high school graduation. It makes me feel so old b/c I can remember playing barbies w/ him when he was little (and me too I guess since I played w/ barbies) and here he is graduating high school! College later this year - YIKES! It was great to see him graduate (w/ honors!) and complete this stage of his life.

Ok, back to P-Town! On Saturday we decided we were going to have a Sunday Funday! Does anywhere else have Sunday Fundays? I guess it's pretty much just a fun name of partying all day. I know in college we used to call it B&K's Day o' Fun. But it didn't always include alcohol, sometimes we'd go to the casino, sometimes to a park or something. It was fun. Anyways, this Sunday Funday included alcohol and was a blast. We played rodeo golf and bags.

Do you guys call them something different? I know there are lots of names for these games. I think where my friends live in Kentucky it's called corn hole? In Wisconsin we keep it pretty simple and just call them bags or bags boards. Ladder golf however, or rodeo golf, testicle toss, etc, etc. I feel like there are so many names for this one game! FYI neither of these pics are mine. I found them on the internet b/c I was too busy having fun to take pictures on Sunday Funday. We ended up busting out the grill and having some tenderloin steaks, potatoes, pasta salad and watermelon. It was a great, great day w/ friends and family! (Bonfire got cancelled b/c it started to rain at 12:30 am, ohh well!)

Whew - after that weekend it was back to work for a crazy week! The four days I had to work were madness! It was a full week packed into four days, that's for sure. So this past weekend I did nothing. Well I did some things like planted flowers (I'll have to post pics later) and re-arranged my living room and even started up the air conditioner. I didn't use it all last summer but for some reason it was so humid the other day I had to turn it on! I also did some apartment searching b/c I"m looking for a new one. I love where I live now, but it's just kind of expensive. I'm looking at getting a cheaper apt so I can have a little extra money to save or so i can get a new car. The less I pay for rent, the more I can pay on the car payment. We'll see. It's nerve wracking to think of moving to another place. What if it looks nice but it's really loud, or a worse area. I love the area I live in now, it's kind of the burbs. It's this apartment complex and a bunch of duplexes, homes of single families. I love it but I also get antsy and ready for a move. We'll see.

Take Care and enjoy the day!

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