Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm almost......23!!!

It's hard to believe it's almost my birthday already! The year of 2008 is going pretty quickly. Honestly, I know 23 is young compared to well, 63 but I just hate being one year older....especially this year. I love telling people I am only 22 and that I was born in 1985. I understand that the '85 won't change but to tell people I'm 23 is going to be so weird. So many people have talked to me and been like wow I thought I was young! I like that feeling that they view me as a young person. Not if it would hinder their view of me as being capable of something but just that I'm young. It's hard to explain I guess. I just am looking forward to it because it's my birthday but not because I'm a year older.

Started looking for apartments! There are some nice one's out there....hopefully we can find something! Take Care all!!

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