Monday, March 09, 2009

It's My Birthday!!

Today's my birthday!! yeah!! I love birthdays, whether it's celebrating my own or someone else's. There is just something special about that day of the year that you can do whatever you want (legally of course) and it's ok because it's your b-day! Unfortuantely today I turn 24 and I had to go to a job interview. My first one in four months but it didn't go well at all. It was rather a waste of time but oh well, it's over with now and I don't have to think about it.

The only downside of today being my birthday is that it's a Monday...who wants to celebrate on a Monday other then the unemployed!? haha Hopefully my old co-workers are meeting me out tonight for drinks. And at all the bars around here you get free drinks on your birthday and sometimes glasses, pins, etc. Can't wait for a weekend birthday!!!

Hope today goes great, because it's my birthday!!!!

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