Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Job for the New Year

Hello All!!

So updates galore! The baby shower was great for my best friend who is pregnant! She's the first of my real close friends to be expecting and I am so excited! She got tons of cute stuff and I can't more month!

And as the title says, I got a new job! I have to move to Green Bay but that's where I wanted to end up anyways so it's good! I'm moving in with my family for the first few months because I don't have time to get an apartment / roomie in a week. Also, who wants to move in winter?? Not me. I only have to move my clothes and some personal items into the room at my fam's house so that is nice! And my cousin is 16 so it's going to be fun getting to see more of him and all his school stuff! I'm only an hour from home too so I still will get to see my friends from home. I have gotten so close to them that it's going to be hard to leave them. I'll miss the spur of the moment times when we call each other up and do things the same night. However, I will be able to see my GB friends more which will be fun.

I was hesitant to take this job since another was possibly being offered to me too. It didn't come soon enough and I guess that was someone's way of saying that I was suppose to take this job. It's so crazy because I said this was my dream job (well as close as I've ever gotten to my dream job) and my dream company to work for but after I said that I felt like I might be jinxing myself! I have never done this job to this extent and I have never worked for this company so I'm scared to get to excited and then be let down. The anticipation up-to events often builds up my expectations so much that the actual event falls short of how I built it up in my head. So hopefully with this job I won't do that and everything will go well.

Ok all, only 2 more days at this job, a week off to get organized and then I'm starting my other job! Wish me luck!

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