Friday, April 30, 2010

sprinkling showers on spring flowers

It rained like a banche today! (after I typed that, i had to google it b/c I use it every so often and really have no idea what it means. I can't find it anywhere. Who knows where I got it, but then again who knows where I get half the things I say.) My schedule on Friday has me working until 6:00 and I knew the rain was going to come about that time so I was dreading it. We have a big parking lot and since I start my shift later in the day compared to most, I am usually parked "in the back 40" as I like to refer to it. Today I got pretty lucky and got a closer parking spot. At about 5:20 you could hear the rain pounding on the roof. All I could think of was "I wore the wrong coat today for this!" Luckily by the time I left about 6:15 it was not raining so I was able to dart out quick to my car and didn't get wet....hip hip hooray!

After I was home about 30-45 minutes though, the rain came down! A good spring rain is really what I needed. I was able to open the door to my porch and listen to the rain....and keep my eyes on the weatherman b/c we had a tornano watch. I'm not the best with storms. Now I love me a good thunderstorm but anytime they say it's moving towards tornado weather, I'm out. Luckily it didn't do anything more then rain so I never got too nervous. When I was little I remember sitting in the basement whenever lightening started. I hated it! I would pack all the things away in the yard (my pool toys of course, who wants those sucked up by a tornado!) take my dogs, hampster and fish into the basement and sit with my flashlight. My parents never used to say anything, I wonder if they worried about me? haha

Tomorrow I head south to MKE (Milwaukee) for the MS Walk on Sunday! Turns out that the MS Society contacted our group and we're actually being "spotlighted" at the walk due to our growth and participation over the past 5 years!! It's super exciting because the team really has worked hard to grow and have more people join us. Last I heard we were the largest registered team that was walking on Sunday! That's awesome because there are lots of people that go to the Milwaukee event. One day I hope that they will find a cure for MS. THIS IS WHY WE WALK!

Take Care All ~ Enjoy The Weekend!

Current hit:
Jason Aldean - Wide Open Album
There's something about Jason Aldean that I just love. The songs are great, the lyrics mean something and he's total country. I'd take him up on the offer for a ride on his big green tractor.

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