Wednesday, December 09, 2009

SnoW DaY!!!

Hip Hip Hooray, It's A Snow Day!! No work today and I could not be happier. Well I could be happier if the mailman came through with my Netflix movie or I had gone to the library earlier this week and got new books or if I had detergent and could do more then one wash. Guess I wasn't too prepared for Blizzard Allison! At least we will have snow for Christmas. It seems like in the past we had tons of snow for Thanksgiving and Christmas and in recent years we've gone and had Christmas's with no snow or a light dusting on the ground. I'm happy I don't have to go to work because not sure the little Pontiac could make it through if they didn't plow the roads. Where I live too the snow drifts so bad that it can be nothing on a large stretch of road and then suddenly it's a 2 foot bank in front of you. Pretty sure my next car will be a SUV or some type of higher up/all wheel drive vehicle. We're suppose to get 10-16 inches by the time this storm is over. Glad I'm watching it all unfold from the comfort of my couch! The apt is all decorated! The tree is up, lights in the window and makes the nights just lovely. Here's a little Christmas music for you!

Many things have happened since I last wrote which was what...September? I'm deep into my job now and I can truly say I like it. I learn something every day and it can be a challenge but I do enjoy talking to most people. Some tips for those of you who are calling your insurance company (I work with auto claims, so when you get into an accident and you need to report it, that's me on the other end of that line): have your policy or claim number ready when you call, have a pen and paper to write things down b/c we will give you names and phone numbers and you won't remember it all, look over all the paperwork you have before you call in (this will make your call go faster and we won't have to sit and wait while you look for info on the police report), do not put two people on the line and argue/discuss every question I asked you (if you weren't there or are unsure on any of the details, please don't call and let the other person do it), don't sit in a room with a screaming child and try to hold a conversation (neither you nor I can hear or concentrate) and finally just listen to what we're saying.

We're trying to help you get your car fixed and the process goes a lot smoother if you just do what we ask! I think the most times I get yelled at on the phone are when it's people who don't understand insurance and I'm right there with you, before this job I didn't really get it either, but please don't yell at me because I'm explaining it to you and you don't like what I'm saying. Insurance is complicated and most of the time, it's not us who make the rules but your state; we just have to enforce them! So if you want to yell, call your state government! I truly do love the claims where I can help people quickly get their car fixed and get this 'bump in the road' smoothed over for them. Those are the claims I love!

Well hope you're all safe and sound inside if you're getting the snow/wind we're getting! Take Care

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Where have you been all my life?!?!

Whew, you thought I fell off the face of the earth didn't you?! I had you going for a minute too but alas, here I am. It was a great summer even though we never got the nice warm weather like normal. I bet we didn't even get close to 100 this summer and we usually get at least a couple days pretty close or at least upper 90's. However the fall is here and I love the fall. The jeans and sweatshirt weather, the crisp air, the colored leaves, everything, just love it!

Work is going well, it's been about 3.5 months since I've been there and I like it. Before I go in I still get that ugh, work feeling. You know, that feeling like I would just love to stay at home today but once I get to work I usually feel pretty good and get into the swing of things. I don't have too heavy of a work load though so it's boring some days but I like it. I learn something pretty much every day so that makes it enjoyable.

Well my current issues I'm having is with my dang cell phone. I don't have a phone line, like the 'old fashioned' home phone, I have my cell phone and that's it. So it's not like I can take it lightly when it doesn't work or is acting up. We had AT&T (I shouldn't name names, but I'm gonna!) and it was good while I was in school. And we never were in roam. But I could sit on my couch and the phone would cut in and out and I had to stand by my window if I was on an important phone call. With Verizon (who I've had for about a week now) I can sit anywhere or be anywhere and it works great, BUT when I go back home it's in 'extended network' and I'm worried I'm being charged roaming fees. I called the main customer service phone number and got a woman who couldn't even tell me if I was going to be charged roaming or not. You're told one thing when you're at the dealer and then when you get the bill it's another. I'm trying to nip the roam charges in the bud before we get the first phone bill.

Now the other thing, I'm worried that if we have to drop the contract, we are out the set up fee, about $110 for the four phones and we will be charged for every minute and text we sent on all four of those phones! That's going to over $200 dollars! How are you suppose to know if the program works or not if you don't use the phone but if you do use the phone and it doesn't work, you're charged for every single thing you did on that phone!? Does that make any sense at all b/c I don't think it does. So right now I'm worried it won't work and we'll have to be just out over $200.00 or if we do like it and stick with it then here comes the first bill and it's like $400 for all the roaming fees!

I feel like it shouldn't be a guess if I'll be charged in roam or not. Don't you think that should be something like a yes or no answer? I can see they can't tell me if I'll get reception or be able to talk when I'm in one place or another, I get that- towers are different- but you can't tell me if I'm going to be billed for something? It's just extremely frustrating b/c we need phones and it's like not one single company has worked great for us and been able either 1) allow us to keep our numbers or 2) worked in all the areas we are. My fingers are crossed that these phones will work w/ no roaming fees! We'll find out tomorrow when I call the Verizon dealer!

Sunday, June 21, 2009's hot

Hello All! So I have started my job already and been at it for about a month so far and it's going well. It's nice to be able to help people and make a very difficult situation better with kindness and helpfulness. Of course I'd like to be way more knowledgeable then what I am, but I know that will come with time. I think back to day one and how much I knew then compared to what I know's not even comparable! If I had to do this on the first day, I would have quit right on the spot!

I can't remember if I wrote about Omaha or not. So I'm writing again about it, and it was so much fun! My mom and I drove down on Tuesday and came back on Sunday and it wasn't that bad of a drive either. Of course the way home felt longer then the way there but that's normal I think. We saw some great sites and it was a very nice city. It was way hotter then WI, about 93 degrees the first full day we were there so I was a little dead on my feet. It definitely was a city that I could see myself living in though. It was pretty easy to navigate and with the river right there it was so nice. Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip!

I would/will defintely go back to the Omaha, Lincoln area!

Summer weather has officially arrived to the area! It was really hot this weekend and I feel like it's been the first consitent hot weather we've had. I was sitting outside on Saturday and it actually got so hot I couldn't stand it anymore! It's hard to believe that today is suppose to be the longest day of the year. Gosh that stinks because I feel like the days haven't been nice and long for that long of time! I love when it's still light out at like 9 o'clock!

Hope everyone had a great Father's Day! Take Care!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Whew...that takes a load off

Some very good news to announce, I got a job! The interview I had where my friends work, well the interview must have gone well because I got called and offered the job. I'm nervous to be starting in the workplace again and in such a big company but ready to get going again. And to top it off, it's better pay, health benefits from day one, good vacation. The only bad thing is the hours which after training will be 11:30a - 8:00p. Not horrible but it will take some getting used to. But beggers can't be choosers and jobs haven't been thrown at my left and right so I'll take it. If I don't like it I hope I can last at least two years until I'm done with school!

Speaking of school, I found out the day before I was going to take my placement tests that I didn't have to take them! All I have to do is a typing test and get 30 wpm....and you get up to 10 tries. Needless to say I think I'll be able to pass that. All I need to do now is fill out the application and send in the $30 bucks, my transcripts, and sign up for classes. As I said before, I'm nervous yet ready to get back into school. It all starts in the fall so I do get the summer off still!

Hmm, other then that not much going on. I babysat my little cousins for two weeks while their normal babysitter was on vacation. It was so fun and they are the best. The things they say and do just make me laugh all day. My cousin wanted me to start doing it full time but I just couldn't and she understood. It didn't make me feel any better though, I still felt bad when I told her I got a job.

And guess what!?! My mom and I are going on a road trip to celebrate my new job and Omaha, Nebraska is the destination! Everyone laughs when I tell them but I wanted a place where I had never been, a place we could drive to and that was the closest, biggest destination I could find that I actually wanted to go to and has things to do. I'm excited to see all the things there and there is a lot of Lewis and Clark museums/monuments which has always interested me. Not to mention Council Bluffs, Iowa is right across the river and that's a stop on the Oregon Trail. Lots of fun history there. Guess this might be why one of my favorite classes in college was History of the American West!

Hope all is well with everyone! Have a great Sunday!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Times they are a changing....

Hope all has been well with everyone!! Things are moving along here. I contacted my academic advisor at the tech school and got all the information on taking my placement tests and getting all signed up for the Health Information Technician program. Really scared yet really excited to be doing that. It's going to be beneficial, I think, to be able to get a career in the medical industry which hopefully won't be affected by this economy. But by the time I get out of the program, two years from now, I'm sure the economy will just be booming and you can probably get a job anywhere.

Speaking of economy, I hate these people who are going around saying, "What bad economy? I don't feel anything affecting me!" Well thank your lucky stars you can say those things but don't come to me and say that and act like I'm a whiny, cry baby who is over-reacting. Just because it doesn't affect you doens't mean it's not happening. People like that bug me. You're really fortunate and I wish I could be like you and be stable like that but I'm not so get out of my face!

On a high note, I did get a job interview this week. My friends hooked me up where they work with an interview and I think it went well. The ladies who interviewed me were very nice and I hope I did well. It's not the job I had in mind but I don't think I have a right to get picky when I've been not working for 5 months. And crazy thing, I was watching T.V. and they said it takes on average 4 - 5 months to get a job once you start unemployment. It's been five months here in April so that might be a good sign for me!

I went to Opening Day for the Brewers and it was spectacular just like I thought it would be. There was tons of people of course but my friends were the best! haha The only thing that could have made it better was if it wouldn't have been so windy and the temperature would have been a little higher. We all looked like wind blown floozies by the time the game started because we had hats and hoods and bobbie pins holding our hair out of our faces. I can't wait for the next game!

Hope everyone had a great Easter. Take care and enjoy this great weather!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

OpeNiNG DAy!!!

Tomorrow is a national holiday in's Opening Day for the Milwaukee Brewers! This is seriously one of my absolute favorite days of the year. It's drinking starting at 9:00 (if not earlier), tons of baseball fans hopeful for a great season, and party, party, party!! I can't wait for tomorrow, let's hope for a Brewer win!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

One of my fav. times of year

I don't know what it is about this time of year but I love it! Even though things look dirty and dull, the colors seem so great together. This picture is from a back road in my hometown and I just love it. When the water is that dark blue almost black against the brownish grass and the sky is a nice blue. I also love dark, rainy days which makes me an oddity to some people because most love the sunny weather. If you know of a place that doesn't get too hot in the summer, the people are fun and polite and I can get a job, sign me up!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some fun videos for you...

This is the cutest story ever. Who would have thought that these two would find each other and become best friends?!

This is the Facebook song. I, like a lot out there, am not addicted to facebook but I do check it more often in a day then I should.

Here is a cool video of Mason Crosby for Fantasy Football.

It's almost the weekend, enjoy!!!

Monday, March 09, 2009

It's My Birthday!!

Today's my birthday!! yeah!! I love birthdays, whether it's celebrating my own or someone else's. There is just something special about that day of the year that you can do whatever you want (legally of course) and it's ok because it's your b-day! Unfortuantely today I turn 24 and I had to go to a job interview. My first one in four months but it didn't go well at all. It was rather a waste of time but oh well, it's over with now and I don't have to think about it.

The only downside of today being my birthday is that it's a Monday...who wants to celebrate on a Monday other then the unemployed!? haha Hopefully my old co-workers are meeting me out tonight for drinks. And at all the bars around here you get free drinks on your birthday and sometimes glasses, pins, etc. Can't wait for a weekend birthday!!!

Hope today goes great, because it's my birthday!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Snowstorm Julia Pictures

Here are some pictures I took for this past snowstorm. I don't think we got the 6 inches that they said we did, but who am I to judge....hahah Here you go:

Above: Snowstorm Julia Arrives and we could still see grass.

The grass quickly disappears and is replaced by snow.

Now it's really gone.

The next day, all the snow is down. Notice only the top of the picnic table is showing now....guess their goes my picnic.
The one thing I really hate here is how the wind drifts the snow so bad. Here it is piled against my patio door. Let's hope I don't have to use it anytime soon.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

About Me....

This is the survey going around, predominately on Facebook but I didn't want to do it on there so I'm doing it on here. I figure less people read this anyways so here you go....

1) I always wanted to be some type of biologist (preferably a wildlife biologist) but didn't go for that in college because I couldn't pass chemistry (and a part of me hates the uniforms they have to wear.)

2) I have the colors for my wedding already picked out.

3) I'd drink every night of the week if I didn't get hangovers.

4) I take it personally when my favorite TV shows get cancelled, which it seems like all the ones I really like do after a short run.

5) I dream of designing/building my own home exactly the way I want so I'm constantly trying to take mental notes of things in houses that I like. Chances of me ever being able to do this are slim however.

6) My dream jobed turned out to be a crock and I hate some people for it and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive them. I realized some people only think about themselves and I pray that karma is real.

7) I would love to live in Canada, Oregon, Kentucky or Texas but I can't even get myself to leave Wisconsin.

8) When I go to restaurants I always order Lemonade, no matter what the season.

9) I make my bedroom messy just so I can clean it later.

10) I have minor obsessive compulsive disorder. When I leave a public place I have to look where I was sitting and count to 8 twice before I can move on and be positive I left nothing behind.

11) Some of the best days of my life were when the playground was flooded in elementary school and they put up road blocks and we got to play in the street.

12) I hate losing touch with people and I still try to find people I was friends with from elementary school.

13) I cryed every day before school from Kindergarten to half way through third grade. I'm not exaggerating either, ask my mother.

14) My biggest fear in elementary school was when we had safety days and you had to jump out the emergency door in the back of the bus.

15) I wish I lived on a farm, or in the country where people really had barn dances. I want to end up in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and be really happy with my life. That would be wonderful. However I also have a deep love of window shopping and being able to walk down the sidewalks in towns and go into stores, I believe now they're called 'pedestrian friendly cities.'

16) I often buy items and then return them later after I sit and contiplate if I really need it or not. On the same topic, I love getting new clothes but I often have a hard time wearing them. It's like I need a new occasion or something special to break them into my wordrobe.

17) I wish I could go back to the times when almost every weekend was spent with family and friends. When we played in the barn yard at our grandparents or sat in the screen porch playing cards. When the sun was setting and it was beginning to turn to dusk. Even back a couple years ago when I was in college. Only this time, I'd take those times less for granted and realize how special they were.

18) I absolutely love documentaries; especially pertaining to the midwest, the deep south, or the Appalachian Mt area; when they tell the stories about people's lives...their hardships, their triumphs, their every day doings. (David Sutherland is my fav. producer) I can't imagine a better job then being able to make documentaries.

19) I wish the amount of money I had in my bank account didn't matter or make my life an easier. I want to take at least a year of my life and donate it to volunteering for different organizations. I would love to help soldiers coming back with PTSD get reacquainted with the life we live every day; help Native Americans secure everyday necessaties for life such as jobs, transportation, affordable housing and health care. I want to become fluent in ASL and teach it to children. I would build a shelter and take in abandoned animals. I want to be able to actually have the courage to do these things and not just type about them.

20) I would give a lot of things up if I could be fluent in Polish. I want to be able to go overseas one day and view the historical monuments and places involved in WWII.

21) I hate talking on the phone and won't listen to voicemails for days. I'll text you or email you 25 times over 2 hours rather then talk to you for 3 minutes.

22) I have post-its and a pen by my bed because I think of random things at night and I have to write them down or I can't sleep.

23) I love clean hair but I hate wet hair and I love being tan but I hate being in a swimsuit.

24) If I was irresponsible I'd spend all my money on jewelry, purses and shoes. If you had told me this when I was in junior high, I would have called you a liar and punched you.

25) Also if I was irresponsible I'd spend all my money on home decor, which would be like someone lactos-intolerant spending all their money on ice cream cones. I live in a one bedroom apt. with not much decorating space.

26) I love taking pictures! If the market wasn't so saturated as it is, I'd become a professional photographer.

27) I think I lived in a past life in the 50's, 60's and 70's.

28) I absolutely love cloudy and dreary spring/fall days. When things are all kind of muted tones. It reminds me of going outside in high school to practice softball or sitting and watching games in weather like this. I love it.

29) The little things in life are what are the greatest to me. Like all my laundry being done, the garbage emptied, the house cleaned, right after you fill up your gas tank, a new haircut/color.

30) I hope one day I can look back on this list and remember fondly memories from that time and have most of these things happen to me/be living them.

Snowstorm Julia

Today was snowstorm Julia for Northeastern Wisconsin. It did start with quite the bang too. Right on the dot at 3:00 pm it started to snow and got heavier and blew really hard until a little while ago. Unfortunately I don't think we got anywhere near what we were predicted to get, which was 6 - 8 inches. My guess is we got about 3 or 4 at most. It's so hard to tell here since the snow blows so bad. The cars in the parking lot have snow all over them but then infront of my patio door there is grass. Depending on where you are on the complex it will very on the snow we received.

So this weekend my parents are coming down to celebrate my birthday with me, even though it's not for a couple more weeks. My mom and I are going for manicures tomorrow night and then going to see STOMP on Saturday. I'm so excited because neither of us have ever gotten manicures and I've always wanted to see STOMP. Hope it's a great weekend.

Today I went to the library and got some books and read some magazines. It's way cheaper, well free to go to the library and read People, SI, etc then to buy subscriptions or buy them at stores. I got to catch up on all the gossip of the stars. Then I went to JoAnns Fabrics which I'm pretty sure is my new favorite store. I found some great fabric that I want to make into pillows. I was first looking for fabric to make into a "green bag" but I found this and just had to get it. I even passed it up and went back and got it, with the intentions of making a bag but got the idea for pillows when I was buying it. I'm excited and I'll post some pictures when I get them done. I'm going to do it at home and try to wipe the dust off my moms old sewing machine. It will go way faster that way then by hand! I do need to find some fabric for the backs though. Now I still have to find some fun fabric to make a "green bag." These bags are usually used to put groceries/produce in at the store but I want to make a fun summer bag/purse. It's way cheaper then buying a new purse too. Even though there are a couple at Shopko that I'm looking at. (I've always wanted a bright yellow purse.)

Another thing, I was looking at the home decor there...I know stupid since I live in a one bedroom apartment, but they have such cute stuff there. I never thought I'd ever be into the nautical theme stuff but they have a great section that is nautical but not the red, white and navy blue that I usually associate with that theme. It was almost like a beachy nautical and was really cute stuff. They also had these great turquoise/navy blue type vases and decorations that I loved. Everything usually is like 40% off there but it's still to expensive for my budget now. Maybe someday I can buy that store out! haha

So I'm thinking of going back to school since I'm having such a hard time finding a job. I've found a couple associates programs at local schools that I hope would help me get a job. I'm in the process of setting up meetings with the two schools down here to see what classes I can get taken out because I already took them at UWM. Maybe I could get it down to a year and a summer or something. That would be nice.

Ok well I hope you're not snowed in wherever you are! Take Care and stay warm!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

traveling down the road and back again

After a great weekend I'm back at the apartment for the week. It's suppose to snow tonight and I'm looking forward to it. I'm kind of like an old person and probably would do very well as one. I love it when it snows now because I don't have to go anywhere and I can just watch the snow. However, it does upset me that I have no where to go. Not much longer and my unemployment runs out and I have to apply for a 7 week extension...then what? I've been using an employment agency to help with my search and I got a call from them today saying that they don't have any jobs for me that fit my work history and that they'll be on the look out for me. Well that's nice to have some help but depressing too. When a company who's job it is to find you a job and they can' doesn't give one much hope.

My birthday is coming up and I am looking forward to celebrating yet also not. I feel like 24 is so old but yet so young yet. I guess I just never thought that this is where I'd be in my life at 24. It scares me to think of where I could possibly be at 25. This economy needs to turn around soon for myself and thousands of other people.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dreary Days

I love dreary days. I'm not sure what it is about them but I just love the rainy, cloudy days outside. Today happens to be one of those days too. Maybe it's because if you don't do anything on days like this you don't feel so bad for yourself? Not sure but I love them. Maybe because it reminds me of the first days of softball practice when it was still wet and kind of crappy out and we'd go outside to finally practice on the field. I love watching games in weather like this too. The snow has melted quite a bit too. The rain definitely did a number on it. I think old Phil might have been wrong on that six more weeks of winter. So far we've had great weather since his prediction.

Monday, February 02, 2009


I'm recovering from the flu and what a flu it was! I haven't been that sick in forever, excluding hangover sickness. I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep but then when I woke up from sleeping, I'd be sick. My head pounded all day and still hurts today. It was one of those where like your whole head just hurts, I couldn't even put it on the pillow without it hurting. I'm so glad it's over and I hope everyone avoids it because it is NOT nice.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's a person to do?

It's been really rough being unemployed and in more ways then one. Of course theres the fact that you don't have any cash coming in except unemployment which is nothing like what you usually made. Theres the fact that there is nothing to do all day except sit and look for jobs and apply for jobs that you don't get and that you don't even get a response from a person for the ones you check on. I can go to the library because that's about the only thing in this town that's free. When you have to watch your nickles and dimes, you can't stop at the fast food restaurant b/c you don't feel like cooking dinner. I can't get bored and say, "Jeez, I need to go to the mall because there's a sale at such and such a store." Yeah it would be great to go get a new top or something but then you have to look at the big picture and say, "Ok can I get a top, or pay my electric bill? Hmm which one will help me in the long run more?" It's tough and I can relate to those who are going through this with me, before me and those who will go through it later.

I think the best way to describe the whole situation is frustrating. I thought that was my dream job, the job I'd have for years and barely 9 months later you're thrown on your tail out the door. Where do you go from here? For me, yes I have a college education but employers look at your work history and see 6 months as this job and 9 months at this job which you were fired from and they don't want to take the risk as having you on their staff. I'm so annoyed with applying to jobs that I am either not completely qualified for so they overlook you or those which I am overqualified for and they over look me. I mean I can't even get a secretary job where the qualifications say "High School Diploma."

My biggest fear/worry is what am I going to do if I don't get a job? The way the whole economy/job market is right now, there are thousands and thousands of people going for jobs. What if I don't get one? What am I going to do, move home? What's for me there, nothing. Home is even worse then here. My next job I have to stay at at least a if, and's or but's about it. So how do I find a job that decent that won't drive me insane? I'm worried because the last job started great and turned into a shit show (pardon the language.) What if the next one does too, and the next, and so on? What if my working career is meant to be bonfire pit of tried and failed occupations? I know worrying gets me no where but when it's nearing the end of week 10 and nothings is in sight, the end looks pretty gloomy.

A related note: I watched this episode of 30 days on today. ( is a great site for those of you out there like me who can't afford to rent movies. It's old movies but some of the TV shows are recent that they have....I don't have cable either) The links below. It will give you a good grasp on what many people in this world go through. Maybe this time in my life is to show me that I need to watch my money more closely and I was spending too free-ly before. I guess God only knows. Take care all!

The Difference in Geographical Areas

On a commercial break from New Adventures of Old Christine, I turned to American Idol because well, I hate commercials. However, after the brief time I watched AI, I now like commercials better. This guy came on and you could tell he was one of those that thought he was good but he obviously only sang to his animals on his farm because he wasn't. You could tell he was a down home,country boy and as he was leaving, all rejected, he told the judges thank you and be careful. Now I thought nothing of it. I was like ohh too bad for him. However, Paula Abdul decided to flip out and go "What did you say? .... That's a threat, don't ever say that to anybody every again!" and all the judges were going crazy. Now seriously, do you think that this guy was going to come back to your hotel, even if he found your hotel and shoot you? Please! He tried to explain himself that he was just saying be careful in your travels and they continued to yell at him. I felt bad for the guy.
Ok so the point was that you can just tell the differences in people and where they live. Here in the midwest, if someone said that to me I'd probably say thanks or same to you...something to that affect (effect?) But people who grow up in cities (hmm, like L.A.) where hospitality and politeness are not very prevelant take this poor guys farewell and blow it into a "I'm coming to get you and shoot you in your head while you sleep." They need to relax and spend some more time around people who are from the midwest.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Comfort Zone

After a wicked bad cold spell, things seem to be on the upswing. It's been below zero here for a couple days and I am so ready for it to be over with! When you go outside and the instant your face hits that air your eyes start to water and you just want to turn around....yeah, I'm ready for warm weather.

I came back to my apartment today and I need to stay here for awhile! I have been home quite often lately because like I posted before, it's nicer at home being able to watch cable, and talk to people! However, the past week or so I haven't even seen my friends so I thought today was the day I needed to get back to my life and stop sitting at home on my fanny. It was weird to come back down here and I never thought it would ever be like that, ever! My apt. is great and I love it down here but it just is nerve-wracking to me that I have about two and a half more months to find something and then I'm on my own. I don't, I repeat Do Not want to have to move back home and live with my parents. As much as I love home and them, there is nothing there for someone my age; well unless you're married and thats where you live. But that's the problem, all my friends there are married so it's not like we get together all the time and hang out and go out, etc. There just are no jobs up there either and I need to stay down here.

I think one of the hardest things is that I don't have like a best friend here that I do everything with. I have a bunch of really good friends but no roommate or best friend. That's kind of hard sometimes. Sometimes I think my life would be easier if I had that one best friend (or more then one) that you do like everything with, from big to little things. I don't know, I think I just really need to find a job and get back into the grove of work and things. I do appreciate all the great friends and family who have been looking and giving me heads up on positions too. That means a lot to me to have people looking out for me.

Take care everyone, good luck and stay warm!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Is this a sign or something?

Wait, do I believe in signs? I have no clue but if I did or do, or...whatever, this would be a sign. I was watching Joel Osteen on ABC Family tonight and sometimes he just speaks to me. As you can read, I've been having a tough time with my life plan and how I wanted it to go. I got fired from what I thought was my dream job and it has affected me a lot. Not where I'm a non-functioning depressed person, but that I just have this fear in the back of my head that I'm not going to be good enough for society and I'll just keep getting fired from jobs. I know I have to lose that way of thinking and I'm trying, I am but unless someone's told you you're not good enough you just don't know.

Ok so anyways, the message in the sermon was that God has a plan for us in life and we will face challenges and people who try to stop us but God has something better for us. We can't give up and we just have to keep going. God needs us to say "I'm going to rise up and live a new dream."
We may have a reason to feel sorry for ourselves but we don't have the right. God still has a plan for us. None of our challenges are a surprise to God, he had the solution before you even had the problem. Let it go so you can accept the new path God has for you. If things don't work around the way you hoped, dream a new dream. God would not have let the door close on you if he didn't know a better one would be opening. What you may think is a set-back may be a set-up. God's plan is better then our plan.

I really needed those words and as I said, if that's a sign, then I'll fully accept it and hope that the something better God has planned for me will be coming sooner rather then later.
Good Night All! Take Care

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ugh, floating along....

I'm in a rut...yup, just like a major league hitter, a three point shooter, or a field goal kicker. I'm in a rut. It's been a little over two months since I got fired and nothing is on the horizon for a job. And to top it all off, the economy is just so super right now that more and more people are losing their jobs and being thrown into the work pool and kids are graduating and looking for work. It's so hard to find anything. I wanted to go back to school for a health care position and I looked it up on the tech college website, I need 1,000 hours in a health related field to even get into the program! So I need to try to get into a health care position, without any health care work background or studies other then Health Communication Courses in college. Yeah so I'm kinda screwed! I also have this fear in the back of my mind about going to work again. I feel like I won't be adequate enough for any company now and that I will get fired again. I'll just die if that happens! I'm so scared that from here on out I'll just be a failure and I won't be able to hold a job, people won't think I'm a good worker, etc. It really scares me. I know I need to get past it but it's really hard to push in the back of my head.

Since I'm so bored at my apartment by myself, I often go back home to hang out because at least then I have the dog and I can go outside and stuff during the day. When I stay at my apt. all I do is watch TV (and I only get like 6 channels), and go shopping and spend money that I don't have. Going home allows me to watch cable for one and just relax.

I just get so frustrated with my friends sometimes. I know that I don't help the problem a lot but my whole situation doesn't help my mood when plans with friends don't pan out. We were suppose to go to that new movie Bride Wars this week (or so I thought) but I never heard anything. I thought we were going to go a benefit tonight, but I never heard anything. I think the thing that hurts the most is that sometimes I think they don't invite me because they don't want me there. Note to everyone, I have one single friend back home...that's right, one. And she's not the most outgoing person. She's shy and doesn't like the bar scene so much. So I understand when they do things with other couples but I think they also need to take into consideration that I'm the only single one (my other single friend often doesn't go out) so if I'm not invited I'm often home watching television. This town isn't so big that I can just go find others to hang with, there is no one else! I get upset because it feels like they leave me behind because I'm single but I can't help that. I also get upset when we get together and do things and it's like playing games and watching TV or just chilling at someones house. That's fun and all but not all the time. I understand you're "saving money" which is always the excuse but you don't have to spend hundreds when you go out! How am I going to meet anyone sitting on the couch in your living room?! Basically I get upset because it hurts. It hurts to be left out, it hurts to be left behind. It hurts to slip from someones mind when their planning something and you don't make the guest list. It really hurts when it's because you're single. Tonight for instance, if they went and I didn't get called, I'll be really hurt. I know I could have called but I didn't because I don't want to look desperate like I'm just aching for something to do. I guess my pride gets in the way and I bring my own hurt upon me. What's a happy balance? I'm not sure if there is one.

Alright, another thing, I have a crush on this guy who bartends at a friends bar in town. He is good friends with our friend who owns the bar and he often spends time with them bartending or just hanging out with them. He's a nice guy and I do like him but I don't think the feelings is mutual. Honestly, I don't blame him, but my friends could go with me there to enjoy some eye candy couldn't they? ;)

Ok, I'm done ranting and raving about all the negative. Hopefully it will turn around soon. Take Care All!