Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today's my first day in a new cube at work. They are doing a bunch of re-arranging and I'm one of the people that gets moved. I'm excited yet I'm a little upset. Of course when you've been in a desk for 16 months you get a little rythm down, you know where everything is, it's a flow you have going when you do your work. Today I'll have to develop a new flow. It's weird too b/c obviously a cube only has two walls, one on the left or right and one in front of you and a small on that is on the side of the cube w/ the aisle. The cube I've been in was a four person cube. So like the picture above (but without the table in the middle separating the two spaces), two people in the cube w/ their backs to one another and then the aisle and the exact same thing on the other side. So when you walk down the aisle at work it is like two cubes w/ four people that you walk past. Obviously you get to know the people in your 4 square really well. Where I'm moving to is a two person cube, so you have the two people on one side sitting back to back and then across the aisle is a one perosn cube which has a large wall facing the aisle so you can't look into their cube or really talk to them. It's going to be weird and I'm not sure I'll like it! The only good thing is that every person I sat with in my old four person cube is being moved so at least I'm not the only one! Wish me luck in my first new day in the cube!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Thank You Note

Is the rule of a thank you note dead?

Weddings guests can now be invited to the formal day on facebook, twitter and myspace. Heck, we don't get the call anymore that people are engaged, we get the facebook status update. The day of gifting the toaster or blender is dead - now its fresh green cash we're stuffing into cards and throwing in a slit in a box. But with all this informality, is the thank you note being lost too? Can typing thank you on a facebook page or @ someone on twitter make up for receiving that little card in the mail addressed to you and opening it to find a hand written thank you for the gift and attending the wedding? Granted, we don't usually hang on to these notes, frame them, or put them in our memory boxes, but they're still nice to receive. I have been to 4 weddings this year so far and I can count 1 thank you note that I received. Not to mention the graduation parties that I gave money for - 2 - and the thank you notes I got - 0.

Is it an old time thing to write thank you notes now? Is it something that's considered optional and you don't really have to do it? Is standing up at a wedding and saying thank you enough now? Maybe I'm old school but I refuse to believe the thank you note is dead - it still lives on with this girl.